sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2016

This is a webquest

WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web.[1] These can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites. (wwwhttps://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/studentquest.pdf.wikipedia.org)

Toward a Postmethod Pedagogy- B. Kumaravadivelu

Kumaravadivelu´s Postmethod Pedagogy has come to empower ESL teachers who always followed the abstract and decontextualized commands of the gurus.


miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2016

The Ladder of Inference

The Ladder of Inference describes the thinking process that we go through, usually without realizing it, to get from a fact to a decision or action. The thinking stages can be seen as rungs on a ladder and are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The Ladder of Inference

Ladder of Inference Diagram

(source: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_91.htm)

sábado, 2 de abril de 2016


Thanks to International House Training and Development Scholarship, in a week´s time I will be flying to England to attend the 2016 Iatefl Conference. To say that I am thrilled is an understatement.

This year Birmingham will host the major event in ELT development, the convention above all conventions, the moment ELT professionals have been waiting for.  And we will also be celebrating IATEFL´s the 50th anniversary! Considering I am an English teacher at heart and that I embrace professional development as a way of life, I just couldn´t ask for more.

English Language Teachers from all over the world will go to this year´s mecca to develop and grow professionally and personally. We´ll meet, and share, and learn from one another; we will let our colleagues know about our own experience in our own corner in the world. We will celebrate coincidences and marvel at our differences.

All of us will profit from this opportunity, both the lucky ones who will be in Birmingham in person as well as those who will follow the conference from their own electronic device wherever they are, the way I myself have done in previous conferences and will do next year. What you see and what you hear on your screen is just the same as what an onsite attendee can see and hear. All teachers interested in their own development are offered the great chance of attending free of charge. The mecca of ELT development, IATEFL plenary conferences and seminars can be on all screens. Let´s make the most of it. 

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

IATEFL online 2016

For some years now, IATEFL offers the possibility to teachers in every corner of the world to follow the live coverage of the conference online. You can join for free. The coverage will feature plenaries, sessions, forums and recorded interviews with conference presenters and delegates. For updates you can follow twitter @iateflonline Tune in for live coverage">

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Stephen Krashen presents at the 36th TESOL Greece International Convention

SUMMARY: Input must be comprehensible to have an effect on language acquisition and literacy development. To make sure that language acquirers pay attention to the input, it should be interesting. But interest may be not enough for optimal language acquisition. It may be the case that input needs to be not just interesting but compelling. Compelling means that the input is so interesting you forget that it is in another language. It means you are in a state of “flow” (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). In flow, the concerns of everyday life and even the sense of self disappear - our sense of time is altered and nothing but the activity itself seems to matter. Flow occurs during reading when readers are “lost in the book” (Nell, 1988) or in the “Reading Zone” (Atwell, 2007). Compelling input appears to eliminate the need for motivation, a conscious desire to improve. When you get compelling input, you acquire whether you are interested in improving or not. The evidence for the Compelling Input Hypothesis includes improvement as an unexpected result, the many cases of those who had no conscious intention of improving in another language or increasing their literacy, but simply got very interested in reading. In fact, they were sometimes surprised that they had improved. An important conjecture is that listening to or reading compelling stories, watching compelling movies and having conversations with truly fascinating people is not simply another route, another option. It is possible that compelling input is not just the best form of input: It may be the only way we truly acquire language.

martes, 19 de enero de 2016